Friday, September 11, 2020

About my knitting group

 Every week my knitting group do knitting with Mrs Joan. She teaches us how to knit. The kids that do knitting with me are Kaylee, Riya, Kaiyah, Jordy, Johanna, Hayley, Priya, Paige, Maliah, Aashnan and I. I had a blue wool and I needed some help from Mrs Joan. She said I had to restart it sadly but I didn't mind. I did thought I did something wrong and I did. Anyway I did really well with my knitting but now I have a different knitting needle and different colour knitting. Anyway I kept going and knitting and going and knitting and going and knitting. It never stops and today I am still doing some knitting. When I wanted to do knitting I thought it was going to be boring but it was actually cool fun and great. Every year I am going to do my knitting but when I am a grow up I won’t be doing knitting because I am going to have jobs and I might not have time to knit.  

Monday, September 7, 2020

What I am going to be when I am a grown up.

When I am a grown up I would be:
A school Teacher.
A netball Teacher.
A netball player.
A rock person that discover rocks 
Maybe a ballerina because I have been doing Be-ally  sins I was three year old  
And that is all I might be one of them when I am a grown up